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We offer courses in two formats:

Courses for Individuals

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Customized Group Courses

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Courses for Individuals

This two-day self-directed online course provides a foundation for developing and running state-and-transition simulation models of landscape change using the free ST-Sim software. The course covers state-and-transition simulation modeling concepts, how to use ST-Sim to create models of landscape change and terrestrial carbon dynamics, and how to run the models and interpret the results. Examples of state-and-transition simulation models in a range of ecosystems will be presented, including models of both vegetation dynamics and land use/land cover change.

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Scientists, managers and analysts from any and all land management agencies, including new and undecided users of ST-Sim.

Course Prerequisites: 

Course requires a computer running 64-bit Windows.


  • Course lectures: Provided as a series of 11 free YouTube videos of the most recent 2-day live online course, divided into Introductory Part 1 (~2 hours) and Advanced Part 2 (~4 hours).
  • Course exercises:  Instructions for 8 self-directed exercises (~ 1 hour each) covered in the course lectures (Part 1: Exercises 1&2 in free downloadable PDF, Part 2: Exercises 3-8 by email).
  • Instructor support: Personalized one-on-one support is also available by web meeting, email and phone.


  • Course lectures: Free
  • Introductory course exercises (PDF for Part 1: Exercises 1&2): Free
  • Advanced course exercises (Part 2: Exercises 3-8 - sent by email): US$250
  • Advanced course exercises plus first hour of personalized support: US$300 (recommended)
  • Additional support available on an hourly basis

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Interested in a future course?

Please contact us at if you are interested in more information on customized group courses, or if there is a topic you would like us to cover in a future course. Knowing people's interests helps us decide what courses to offer next!