A new article published in the journal Ecosphere describes the development of a national set of vegetation dynamics models for the United States. These state-and-transition…
ApexRMS was recently invited to participate in the virtual symposium “Developing a dynamic ecosystem assessment system for Australia”, February 1-5, 2021. Hosted by CSIRO, Australia’s national science research agency, the symposium brought…
New research published in Scientific Reports used the ST-Sim model of landscape change, in combination with the FARSITE fire behavior model, to evaluate critical uncertainties…
Last week, we participated in the first fully virtual annual meeting of the International Association of Landscape Ecology (IALE) North America held May 11 –…
Our SyncroSim software platform now supports real-time forecasts of COVID-19 infections and deaths for jurisdictions of any size, ranging from public health units to countries.…
ApexRMS is collaborating with the Quebec Government and Andrew Gonzalez from McGill University to assess forest habitat connectivity within the St. Lawrence Lowlands under scenarios of…
Course & Workshop Sponsored by California Air Resources Board U.S. Geological Survey Apex Resource Management Solutions This unique event begins with a two-day online course…
Early registration is now open for the ST-Sim Training & User Group Meeting. This meeting brings together current and future users of ST-Sim in order to learn more about the software…
Water Deeply recently featured an article on a USGS and Nature Conservancy study using ST-Sim to account for potential land use impacts on water demand in California. In…