Attendees at the Wildland Fire Canada Conference in Edmonton, Alberta will have the chance to participate in a workshop focused on the new SyncroSim package, BurnP3+, on Monday, October 31, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. The workshop is titled “BurnP3+: A new multi-model burn probability simulator based on Burn-P3” and will be led by Chris Stockdale of Natural Resources Canada and Leonardo Frid and Shreeram Senthivasan of ApexRMS. BurnP3+ is an open-source SyncroSim package that builds off the original Burn-P3 software tool for running landscape-scale burn probability models. The workshop will provide a live demonstration of the BurnP3+ software using a case study landscape and will highlight the new features available in BurnP3+ compared to the original Burn-P3, including the ability to take advantage of multiple fire growth models such as Prometheus and Cell2Fire. It will also go over how users can enhance the BurnP3+ package in the future through the development of custom add-on scripts, written in languages such as R and Python. Workshop registration is available now until October 31 when registering for the conference.