Over the last few months, SyncroSim and ST-Sim releases have included major scalability improvements allowing for simulations to run faster for larger and more complex models. These improvements include:
- More efficient queuing for multiprocessing jobs such that as soon as a job is complete, the next job in the queue can begin immediately
- A new raster display API that allows for the rapid rendering of rasters (>100 million cells) in the SyncroSim user interface
- Efficiency improvements to spatial multiprocessing
- Efficiency improvements to memory allocation
- Faster rendering of complex transition pathway diagrams with hundreds of state classes
SyncroSim and ST-Sim users are now able to run landscape simulations for areas encompassing billions of simulation cells in a few hours. Thanks to these improvements, ApexRMS is able to collaborate with the LANDFIRE project to use ST-Sim to update vegetation cover and height estimates for the Conterminous U.S. (CONUS) at 30-meter resolution. To try these scalability improvements, download the latest SyncroSim version (2.2.27) and update your ST-Sim package to the latest version (3.2.28).